2012年10月4日 星期四

成為G&G VIP 嘉賓,免費遊台灣的機會!!

將兩組銀漆刮開銀粉後,分別是序列號及驗証碼。 憑這組序號及驗証碼,登錄以下網站,可以嬴取免費暢遊台灣的超值大獎!!

1.  http://www.guay2.com/
2.  http://www.guay2.com/3t/

Every G&G Airsoft gun now comes with an official G&G gun tag. On the back of the tag, you will find two sets of numbers, a serial number and an authentication code covered up by silver paint. Scratch off the silver paint and register both numbers to win the grand prize!

The registration system for ‘Free trip to Taiwan’ will be online after 2012/9/17 18:00pm.
Go visit G&G official website for login in, http://www.guay2.com/    http://www.guay2.com/3t/

Dear G&G lover,

The deadline of G&G 2012 photo contest has been ended on Oct.1st.
We appreciate the photo advise from anticipants, and hope every one’s vote to choose the best one!
Hope for your some time for pick up the WINNER!!

The voting rules are:
1) G&G will pick all the winners internally for gold, silver, bronze, creative, and selected(outstanding submissions but not of the top 
3) prize winners.
2) Special Award will be voted by you from Oct 2nd 10AM CST to Oct 8th 5PM (GMT+8 Taipei Time).

Official Website:

Please Click on like to vote now!

Facebook vote website: